Strengthening Families

All children deserve safe, nurturing families. Driven by our faith to keep loving families together, CRS is working to revolutionize the care and support of children and families worldwide.

If a child is helped, then the future is bright, not only for that child, not only for that community, but for the whole country and the whole world.”

—Sister Pauline Acayo, Early Childhood Development Project Coordinator

The Need

Each year, CRS supports more than 200 million people in more than 100 countries. Now it is time to take our work to scale. Through its Vision 2030 agency strategy, CRS has identified priority outcomes that best align to our mission and expertise. One of those priorities is strengthening families.

1 Million
Children Living in Strengthened Families
Up to 90%
Children in Orphanages With a Living Parent
Through the support of a CRS social worker, Ezekiel was reunited with his mother, Dembe, after living in an orphanage in Uganda. * *Names changed for privacy. This is restricted for CG use only.

The Opportunity

Over the next 10 years, we will help caregivers learn and practice positive parenting, connect families with supportive communities, help children access education, health and social services, and build families’ resources through savings groups, cash grants, school vouchers and financial education.

Through Go FAR, CRS will help 1 million children live in strengthened families so they can reach their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment.

Why It Matters: Strengthening Families

Families are key to a child’s success. Without family, a child’s well-being is threatened. Their physical, emotional and intellectual development can suffer. Many parents in the poorest communities cannot afford food, education or health care. Without strong support systems, many make the heartbreaking decision to place their children in orphanages as a way to secure their basic necessities.

CRS will work to ensure all children and families have the lasting support they need to thrive.

We are proud to share the stories of the people we serve as we strengthen families and promote healthy, happy homes.

Key Projects

Changing the Way We Care

In the world’s most vulnerable communities, parents can feel they have no choice but to place their children in orphanages, hoping to give them a better life. But a century of research proves children achieve better outcomes in families. CRS will help children reunite with their families or prevent them from being separated in the first place. Families will receive the direct support, resources and skills they need, and orphanages will be transformed into family and community service centers.

Supporting Vulnerable Children and Families

Children living in extreme poverty often struggle with malnutrition, preventable childhood diseases and dropping out of school. Many are vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and family separation. Such hurdles can leave lasting scars and prevent children from achieving their God-given potential. CRS empowers families by helping caregivers learn positive parenting skills, connecting families with support networks, and helping children access key social services. We equip local service providers with the training and resources to provide effective health and psychosocial services.